Programme d'étude du binturong // Bearcat Study Program
Depuis 2017
Palawan Island, Philippines
L’objectif général du projet est d’améliorer les connaissances sur l’écologie du binturong ainsi que sur le réel statut de sa population au travers d’études scientifiques alliant piégeage photographique et radiopistage. Ces informations sont capitales afin de pouvoir créer un programme de conservation adapté.
Programme d'éducation // From Awareness to Actions for Nature Conservation
Depuis 2019
Palawan Island, Philippines
The goal of this program is to raise awareness among the general public on the importance of Nature and the threats it faces. It aims to create tangible actions and solutions to face those threats that will inevitably impact humans.
Education and outreach in France
Depuis 2015
Everywhere across France
Renovation program at the PWRCC (Palawan Wildlife Rescue & Conservation Center)
Depuis 2023
Palawan Island, Philippines
The main aim of this program is to improve the well-being of captive wild animals in the PWRCC, by renovating old facilities and building new structures that are more adapted to the physiological needs of the animals.
French Office 57 rue Cuvier MNHN CP31 75005 Paris France | Filipino Office Pablico Road 1 Barangay Tiniguiban 5300 Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines |
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