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Volunteer with us

You wish to make a concrete commitment to the protection of the binturong and the environment? You want to give of your time and expertise to help the binturong?
Then you are ready to take action by joining the ABConservation team!

We are always happy to welcome new people who are ready to join us for single events or on a regular basis.
Our actions are diverse and so are our needs. Feel free to contact us by email at to volunteer in France and to the email address to volunteer in the Philippines.

Volunteer in France

Our actions range from communication to funding requests, including educational activities and participation in festivals on the theme of nature. We can guarantee there is something for everyone!
We are particularly looking for volunteers to fill the following roles:
     – Host on our booth to raise awareness about binturongs, during one or more events from May to September (see the events calendar - free preliminary training provided by the team).
     – Graphic designer to help us in the creation of posters, flyers, or any other visual communication tools.

And also for long-term roles:
     – Communication manager to manage the publication of news, our social media accounts, advertising events and the association's achievements, ...
     – Sponsoring and fundraising officer to seek support from companies, organise fundraising campaigns, write up various grant applications.

For more information on these different missions, feel free to contact us!

Volunteers - Zoo de la Boissière-du-Doré, La Boissière-du-doré, France. Credit E. Baril

Volunteers meeting - La Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France. Credit P. Kayser

Être bénévole au PWRCC

Volunteers working - Puerto Princesa, Palawan island, Philippines. Credit R. Perrucaud

Le PWRCC (Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center) est l’unique centre de sauvegarde de la faune sauvage de Palawan. Dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre ce dernier et ABConservation, des bénévoles européens sont envoyés au centre pour aider l’équipe dans les soins aux animaux et dans la construction de nouveaux enclos. Création d’enrichissements, réparation de volière, sexage de serpents, relâché d’aigles, manipulation de crocodiles, aménagement d’enclos,… Les activités au sein du PWRCC sont variées et flexibles en fonction de vos compétences et de vos idées pour améliorer la qualité de vie des pensionnaires permanents ou pour face face aux problèmes existant dans le centre. 

There is no minimum volunteering period and no specific skills are required for this mission, although the program is more specifically aimed at professionals in the field of animal care/management or agriculture (there is a project to create an orchard to provide part of the animals' feed). Please note that basic proficiency in English is necessary to communicate with the PWRCC team.

For any inquiry or information, don't hesitate to contact us by email at !

Volunteer on our other programs

Vous êtes motivé.e et vous pensez pouvoir nous aider alors envoyer nous une candidature spontanée avec un CV et une lettre de motivation explicitant clairement les aspects sur lesquels vous souhaiteriez aider au cours de votre mission par mail à

Langogan forest - Langogan, Palawan island, Philippines. Credit A. Debruille


French Office
57 rue Cuvier MNHN CP31
75005 Paris
Filipino Office
Pablico Road 1 Barangay Tiniguiban 5300 Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.

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It will never be shared with third parties and you can find a link to cancel your subscription in all our e-mails.

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