This is the end of the adventure for Aymeric (scientific manager) and Rollyna (scientific research assistant).
Thank you both for your involvement, your passion, your good vibes and the knowledge you share. The whole team has been happy to work with you for a year.
We wish you all the best in your future projects.
A ABConservation une mauvaise nouvelle ne dure jamais longtemps !
Bonne nouvelle, une nouvelle équipe scientifique est mise en place pour cette nouvelle année !
Today, we introduce you Eléa notre nouvelle responsable scientifique (en haut a droite) et Reziel notre nouvelle assistante scientifique (deuxieme en partant de la gauche) !
They met the previous scientific team in which they were able to discuss current scientific projects.
Welcome you both in this great adventure within ABConservation-Philippines.
We wish you a great and a rewarding experience within ABConservation.
#abconservation #departure #arrival #newteam #scientificteam #goodnews #welcometoournewsmemebers #newadventure